Friday, December 26, 2008

Game Hen, May 1975: a Portent of Imminent Collapse

Click on image to enlarge it.

Yes, the Cornish School of Allied Arts' art department was about to sink, in response to the administration's destructive idiocy. The instructors were badly affected by it, though I enjoyed my classes immensely, even All-Fried (allied) Arts with Mr. Friedman, which took place in Cornish Theater. It seems that my art instructors were going to finish out the school year and then move on. I didn't like the sort of change that represented, so I didn't return. I'll never know what happened to oil painting teacher, Fran Murphy. He seems to have slid off the face of the earth. The great Charles Stokes passed away early this year, and Ron Wigginton is a master architect and city planner in California.